SG世界7位のキル集 #codモバイル #codmobile #codm

1701039996_maxresdefault-3559295-1533398-jpg ゲーム

ショットガン愛用家。レジェ帯。weapon leaderboard KRM global7位。

Rotation mode – Speed acceleration (120)
Sensitivity (感度設定):
Standard sensitivity – 70
ADS sensitivity – 124

Firing sensitivity (射撃感度):
Standard sensivitiy – 54
ADS sensitivity – 127

Device: iPhone 11 Pro Max

Call of Duty: Mobile is a free-to-play shooter video game developed by TiMi Studios and published by Activision and Garena for Android and iOS. It was released on October 1, 2019. The game saw one of the largest mobile game launches in history, generating over US$327 million with 250 million downloads by June 2020.

#CallOfDuty #CallOfDutyMobile #CoDm #CoDMobile #Highlights #CodMobile_Partner
#shotgun #SG #KRM #BY15 #R9-0 #update #iFerg


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